Stellungnahme Dr. Carlo zum EMX-Chip (Allgemein)
Und dann dieser tolle "EMX-Chip" als für Unbedarfte seriös anmutende Lösung aller Probleme. Auch da hat Carlo laut der kommenden Sendung (und der Homepage) zweifellos seine Finger mit drin.
Der Link führt zur Webpage von Dr. Carlo, wo er sich von der Abschirmtechnologie, die von Filmemacher Scheidsteger in den Film integriert wurde, distanziert:
Important Announcement from Dr. George L. Carlo
It has come to my attention that portions of the film, "Cell Phone War", are being misinterpreted as an implied endorsement by me or the Safe Wireless Initiative of the EMX Corporation and their "noise field" product. This is not the case, and it is important that our position on this issue is not misrepresented.
To clear this misinformation, please note the following:
- "Cell Phone War" is an independent film, shot in 2005, as a French and German television documentary. The author is German filmmaker, Klaus Scheidsteger. He alone is responsible for the content of the film. I was not asked for nor did I offer advice on what was included in the film.
- I am a consultant to Mr. Scheidsteger for the upcoming cinema documentary, "The Boiling Frog Principle". That film is expected to be released during the summer of 2007.
- Mr. Scheidsteger has indicated to me that the EMX Corporation was included in "Cell Phone War" primarily to show an artistic and journalistic irony. A member of the United States Congress presented the company with an award for addressing a problem that officially does not even exist in the United States - this according to federal regulatory authorities overseen by the Congress itself - with a product that is not available to consumers.
- Mr. Scheidsteger has indicated to me that he made no value judgment on the EMX Corporation or their technology and as such no endorsement of either should be taken from their presence in the film.
- The "noise field" technology was developed by the United States military and is one of a number of primary interventions that are useful against electro-magnetic radiation. However, like all other interventions, it is most effective when used in conjunction with additional primary, secondary and tertiary intervention technologies. It that regard, it has no advantage over others.
- There is no connection between the Safe Wireless Initiative and the EMX Corporation nor its European marketing arm, Exradia Limited. Further there is no professional relationship between the EMX Corporation and me.
- My knowledge is that the EMX Corporation worked on commercial applications for the "noise field" technology over several years, but is no longer promoting the technology in the United States. As far as I know, the technology remains in the developmental stage.
Please remember that the problem of electro-magnetic radiation induced disease is complex and ever evolving. The key to risk management is in addressing the multiple aspects of the problem collectively through compatible primary, secondary and tertiary intervention bundles.
G. L. Carlo
Nachricht von Eva Marsalek via Hartenstein-Newsletter
Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –
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