Die USA kommen - Am 14.09.09 Senatshearing (Allgemein)

Gast, Sonntag, 13.09.2009, 15:42 (vor 5502 Tagen) @ Gast

Bisher eher im Dornröschenschlaf gelegen machen sich Mobilfunkkritiker in den USA jetzt stärker mit Tagungen und Konferenzen bemerkbar ...

Senator Spector Convenes Hearing on Cellphones and Brain Tumors

Monday September 14, 2009 - Senator Arlen Specter will hold a hearing on brain tumors and cell phones before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The witness list is found at:


The hearing will convene at a 2:00 PM in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Room 138.

There may be a live webcast of the hearing. If not, there will be a link to video or audio of the hearing a day or two after the event.

Check at this link on Monday September 14, 2009 at 1:00 pm for availability:


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